Global Edition

TaylorMade Golf Announce 2017 Custom Guarantee

10.40am 20th February 2017 - Corporate

Taylor Made Custom Guarantee


In TaylorMade Golf’s quest for service excellence and to show their love and commitment to custom quality, consistency and delivery, what better day to launch a new Custom Guarantee than on Valentine’s Day?

TaylorMade Golf launched their new Custom Guarantee for 2017, a trade facing promotion which will now include metalwoods as well as Irons. The guarantee will run for a longer promotional period than in 2016 from 14th February 2017 until 30th June 2017.

TaylorMade Golf guarantees to deliver its retailers’ custom Irons or Metalwoods orders to them within the below lead-times*, or retailers will receive 100% of their money back.

Taylor Made Sean Brady video


For more information contact your local Area Sales Manager.

*T&Cs apply

TaylorMade Golf


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