Global Edition

Harvard to offer golf design and development seminars

12.00pm 16th November 2001 - People

Over the coming months the first segment of the Harvard Design School Golf Course Design and Development Institute is being offered. This is a group of seminars related to the planning and design of golf courses and resorts. The courses will take place in Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Instructors include golf course designers Brian Silva and Robert Muir Graves; architects Kenneth DeMay and Richard Diedrich; designers and environmentalists William Burbank and Michael Hurdzan and golf development consultant Barbara Hanley.

The programme is as follows:

These courses may be taken in any combination for tuition discounts. The remainder of the Institute will be offered in the summer session whose dates are yet to be determined. These seminars will cover Golf Clubhouse Design and Site Planning; Golf/Residential Site Planning; and Golf Course Appraisal.

Office of Executive Education

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